Sunday, February 12, 2012

Safe House Movie Review by DieHardAlien

The name of the movie is "Safe House" which makes you think that there is a safe in the house full of money. BLAH BLING!

Safe House is the new thriller directed by Daniel Espionosa, and stars Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds. The movie's about CIA-operative Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds) who is in charge of guarding a safe house in Cape Town, South Africa. He is asked to guard rogue ex-CIA agent Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington), the safe house gets attacked by mercenaries who want a chip that Frost have and now Weston has to escort Frost to another safe house.

I was really looking forward do this movie, I was actual excited, I thought it would be a really good action film. Now I will admit, I don't hate this movie. But was it good? NO. This movie is just the same average action movie with nothing special about it. I was really disappointed with this movie.

The acting was really good by Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds especially Denzel Washington because he's Denzel Washington (that's good). The supporting acting was fine nothing special about it, just average action movie acting.

The characters are all wooden and uninteresting (Maybe I wouldn't say the characters are uninteresting but still), their not developed well at all. The reason for that is due to the script and plot which is unoriginal and we've seen it done so many times done so much better. The dialogue in the movie is really bad and there were times where people in the theater laughed. I don't know if it was entertaining or it was just bad that it just made them laugh.

The action scenes was what really disappointed me. The action and fight scenes are filmed poorly with a lot of shakiness going on. Seriously, do directors really think filming action is hard and that shaking the camera would make it easier and exciting? NO! It's not exciting. Even the cinematography is bad, it's shaky and I don't have any words to describe how bad the cinematography is.

The biggest problem with the movie is the direction, The directing is just standard. There are scenes where Ryan Reynold's eyes start to spark like sparkles that look like he's about to cry or something and it's so bad it's bad. I keep saying bad a lot.

Overall, it's not a horrible movie nor is a good movie, it's OK. I was entertained by this movie, this movie is entertaining and watchable, it's just that this movie is mediocre. The movie just really disappointed me. Even though there are some redeemable qualities about it like the two leads, it's just not worth seeing in the theater.

Final Rating - 2.5/5 Stars
 Safe House Movie Trailer

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